Joy and Happiness
"Always maintain a joyful mind" is a Lojong slogan but I have found it in many spiritual paths. It had me perplexed for many years. Is it possible? Is it insane? Perhaps not. I consider life to be the most amazing, awesome, and wonderful thing ever. So when I consider all of the of life that as happened, is happening, and will happen, I can't help but smile, if only in the back of my mind or deep in my heart. I like to think of the opening scenes of nature shows when you see things like dolphins surfing, wolves playing, whales breaching, and huge flocks of birds flying. It is so beautiful, so moving I can't really express it in words. I find great joy and peace in this "big picture," so much bigger and important than mine. This happiness, this smile has taken up residence in my heart and mind. I know it too be true no matter what else happens. Happiness is really the bottom line of what we all want. It goes by many other names but this is it. I enjoyed Robert Holden's book Be Happy so much I added twelve step concepts and made it into an awesome (in my opinion) workshop you may access here Happiness from another blog. So, as I mentioned before, what could bring a song to your lips as you go to meet hungry lions as the some did in Rome's Coliseum in ancient times? here is some inspiring music that may help. I just want to celebrate Count it all joy Thrill of it because I can't keep it in (Can you feel the joy) Jump, Jump, Jump. This works for me but what works for you? Where is your joyful knowing?