Sometimes you have a thought and sometimes the thought has you. You don't even know it because it makes its pronouncement so vigorously, so completely, you believe it to be ultimate reality. There is usually an attending emotion that cements it into place. All is not lost. If you could become aware of this dynamic and witness it and observe it, it gives you some space, a gap. Even those who had good parents and upbringing face loss, suffering, illness, and death. Some people are completely lost in thought forms.
Beyond the condition mind is a vast intelligence beyond all you know and have learned. Most of human history is madness. Here and there you get flashes of lucid moments, but it's not enough for us to survive. It is a glimpse of who you are beyond the mind made sense of self. Ego is complete surrender to the condition mind. Trapped and alone. Claustrophobic. Complete identification with thinking.
Happy one day, sad the next. Lost in past and future. You buy something and you feel good… for a few minutes. Just as you fall asleep you let go of all that crap and feel good again. At 3 AM you wake up and it starts again. Your wants, needs, desires, problems. A great heaviness descends upon you. The body responds to these thoughts as a reality and a crisis. Even at 3 AM in bed.
The only relief the ego knows is to move towards unconsciousness again through booze, drugs, or any other distraction. Even the ego knows something is missing, but it looks in the wrong places. It ignores the present moment and looks to the past and future. The ego is never satisfied, more, more, more! There, then, why, when, how, who. It is insane, and completely normal.
Finding the now. There is only the now, but the ego always asks, what's next? I need more information! If we collect more information, maybe then we'll be happy. Spacious attention, observing, is the antidote. The mind is obsessed with identifying with thought forms. Words are also thought forms, and are all just thoughts.
The now continuously takes forms and distracts us from spacious, formless awareness. It's just like a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. There is a space, or a consciousness in which the dream appears. That is the only thing we can know is real. Space consciousness. It is very interesting, very fascinating.
1958-???? All your life is the dash between when you were born and when you die. The ego hates this. It wants more, more. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven does not come with signs to be observed, it is among you. You can't be conscious of space consciousness. Because it is consciousness. Now is the space. Language requires a subject and object. The key is to realize your essential self as the eternal subject in presence.
You can't grasp it because you are it. Just be it, or you will be totally lost in the world, in form, in ego. We think to ourselves, one day I will get there. No, you are there. You always were and always will be. The only way to know it, is to stop resisting it. Surrender to it.
The mantra of true awareness is, can I be the space for this? This, this, this! Awareness comes first. The best action will arise from this space. Accept the isness of now and you become the space of what is rather than being lost in the world of form. You become the I am. This equals being. I exist. Ex means out, so you stand out, or step aside.
Form is a ephemeral, fleeting. Is that where you want to live? Move to the deeper, transcendent consciousness. Our only hope as a species is to rise above thinking so it no longer dominates our lives. Move from always thinking to awareness, to being, to the now. Thinking is addictive. It never lets up. It keeps you thinking, striving, seeking. It tells you who you are. Me and my life. Usually complaining. Awareness goes beyond, to stillness.
Go below thinking, above it, step aside from it, see what's behind it, go before it. Also, remember it is only natural for the mind to be always thinking. That’s what it does. Eyes see, ears hear, tongue tastes, mind thinks. Lars
When you come to rely on awareness you don't have to rely on thinking anymore to tell you who you are, or what your relationships are all about. You go beyond object consciousness. It is often a gradual shift from judging, thinking, and blame to spacious awareness and presence. You are so much more than your personal history and story.
When you let the intelligence of the universe enter, right thought, right action, right effort, and so on ensue. We move from a hostile world to a helpful world. No longer demanding people, places, and things be a certain way..
The world isn't here to make you happy, (good because it doesn't!) It's here to wake you up! Unfortunately, that's not working either. The great liberation is that you don't have opinions about who you are anymore. You just are. Not better than, worse than, smarter than. Yes you did good things and bad things, so what?!
Many people achieve greatness and realize it's not all that wonderful. They let it go and touch in with the timeless awareness and spaciousness. Ego always faces two dilemmas, First, will my future make me happy? Second, I'm going to die and lose it all! Then, the world loses its ability to fulfill you temporarily, it never really could. Also it loses it’s sense of threat.
You always were, and always will be consciousness itself. Infinite, spacious, timeless presence and awareness. Being. Nothing to do with thought.
Bring vigilance to your inner state in order to embrace emotions with compassion and awareness. Find freedom from conditioned mind (ego} that creates illusions of lack indeed. Align with the now, the ultimate container of the many forms that come and go
Awaken to the timeless truth and essence of
yourself, others, and existence itself. Looking for your identification in the
past, and fulfillment in the future is madness. If you want sanity, the focus
of your life must be on the present moment. Begin a life without struggle where
the joy of being pervades your actions and the blessing lives through you.