Creation Spirituality versus Fall/Redemption

I offer a list that contrasts the two traditions of Fall/Redemption Religion and Creation Spirituality to consider as a new paradigm for a post-modern era. Matthew Fox  (Asterisk * indicates a definition is found at the bottom of pages)           




Creation Spirituality

Begins with sin

Begins with God’s Creative energy (Dabhar/Logos)

Emphasizes original sin

Emphasizes original blessing

Faith is approval/agreement (Assent)

Faith is trust


Feminist and Gender balanced

Ascetic (stoic, icy, cold, harsh, strict, stern, grim/detached/unfeeling/unforgiving)

Aesthetic (pleasant, positive, or artful appearance of person/thing)

Mortification of body (Subduing ones bodily desires)

Discipline toward birthing

Control of passions

Ecstasy, Eros, celebration of Passion

Virtue lies in the will (Augustinians)

Virtue lies in the passions (Aquinas)

Passion is a curse

Passion is a blessing

God as Father

God as Mother, God as Child, as well as Father

Suffering is wages for sin

Suffering is birth pains of universe—all beings suffer

Death is wages for sin

Death is a natural, a prelude to recycling and rebirth

Introspective in its psychology

Cosmic (connecting psyche to cosmos) in its psychology

Emphasizes introvert meditation

Emphasizes art as meditation (extrovert meditation)

Science is unimportant

Science, by teaching us about Nature, teaches us about the Creator

Dualistic (either/or)

Dialectical (both/and)

Spirit is in opposition to matter

Spirit and matter form a “wonderful communion” (Aquinas)

“Spirit is whatever is not matter” (Augustine)

Spirit is ‘elan” in things (Aquinas) (energy, style, enthusiasm)  

Suspicious of body and violent body/soul imagery: “Soul makes war with the body” (Augustine)

Welcoming of body and gentle in its body/soul imagery: “soul loves the body” (Eckhart)

“Humility is to despise yourself” (Tanquerry)

Humility is to befriend one’s earthiness (humus). “Holy people draw to themselves all that is earthy.” (Hildegard)

Be in control

Letting go—ecstasy, breakthrough



Climbing Jacob’s Ladder (ascending to heaven)

Dancing Sara’s Circle (heaven as here and now – heart to heart)


For the many, democratic

Earthly/human/Jesus Christ

Cosmic Christ

Emphasis on Jesus as Son of God but not prophet etc.

Emphasis on Jesus as prophet, artist, story-teller, wisdom figure and Son of God who calls others to their divinity

Personal salvation

Salvation, healing and divinizing of people, the earth and the cosmos (theosis: process aiming for likeness or union with God)

Build up church

Build up Kingdom/Queendom

Kingdom = church

Kingdom = cosmos, creation

Human as sinner

Human as royal person who can choose to create or destroy

Time is toward the past (lost perfection) or future (heaven): unrealized eschatology

Time is now and making the future (heaven) begin to happen now: realized eschatology (concerned with final destiny of mankind)

Eternal life is after death

Eternal life is now

Contemplation is goal of spirituality

Compassion, justice, and celebration are goals of spirituality

A spirituality of the powerful

A spirituality of the powerless, anawim (those without a voice)

Emphasizes the cross

Considers the cross as significant for the Via Negativa, but also emphasizes the Creation, Resurrection and coming of the Spirit in co-creation (Via Negativa: describing by saying what it is not)

Tends toward christolotry* and Docetism*, an under developed theology of the Creator and Holy Spirit

Trinitarian in full sense of celebrating a Creator God, a prophetic Son of God, and the Holy Spirit of divine transformation

Emphasizes obedience

Emphasizes creativity

Tends to abstractions






Guilt, shame and redemption

Thanks and praise

Purity from world

Hospitality to all beings

Apolitical, i.e. supportive of status quo

Prophetic, i.e. critical of status quo and its ideologies

Humanity is sinful

Humanity is divine yet capable of demonic and sinful choices

Faith is in intellect

Faith is in imagination

Suspicious of the artist

Welcomes the artist as all are called to be co-creators with God

Theistic (belief in existence of God or Gods)

Panentheistic (universe as manifestation of God, but transcendent)

My religion is the only way to God

Deep Ecumenism (promoting unity among spiritual paths))


Christolotry: The branch of theology relating to the person, nature, and role of Christ

Docetism: The doctrine that Christ’s body was not human or real, but of celestial substance, and therefore his sufferings were not human or real.

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description.” Albert Einstein