God is the ultimate transcendent. The source and center. From there duality. The face of God is in the middle with the faces of duality on either side. For God all things are good. God against man, nature, etc or God in accord with man and nature? Is nature fallen sinful evil? God said: "I have poured this from myself". The mystery and transcendence that informs all things, even mankind. If someone spits in your face you're triggered! All is poetry, dance, song of life. Myths are metaphors. The wonderful song of the soul’s adventure.
Consciousness has no age illness etc. The invisible plane
supporting the visible: behind below beyond. When we say grace we thank God.
Sorry to see that tradition go. Early hunters thank the prey animal. We
transcend the temporal realm through myth. We can address animals anything as a
thou. Cathedrals are the landscapes of the soul. A ritual is participation or
enactment of myth. The purpose is to pitch you out of day-to-day experience
into the transcendent. The artist must mythologize our world as we go forward -
poet and musician author etc. They are the myth makers. Their ears and eyes are
open to the song of the universe.
The shaman has had a great mythic experience that turns them
completely inward. Priests express the social Higher Power. The shaman is
expressing a personal experience. We become the other mind, the mind of God.
Black Elk speaks. The ecstatic who we call insane are simply part of the
community as shamans. "Axis Mundi" the central point in the world is
in us, is everywhere. A shining point where all lines intersect. Here there is
no distance only infinite space, and there is no time only eternity.
The monster. Vishnu destroys with fire and flood yet he is a
creator God. It is terrible but it is bliss. Even Buddhism says if you cling to
ego it is wrathful, but if you let go, sublime. Eternity is here now. The
eternal is beyond time beyond human experience. The epiphany is a radiance
showing through reality and experience. Schopenhauer believed everything was
intentional, a purposeful dream. Shiva dances in a ring of fire, it is the
dance of life, the universe, and eternity. You have to find your fire, your
bliss, and live it!
All things are metaphors. People are living and dying for
metaphors every day. Aum encompasses all words all life. Ah ooo um. Myth is the
song of life. Kill it and you kill yourself. With a mythical perspective you
die to the body and are reborn in spirit. Art can communicate this. Perhaps we
were the sacrifice. For the Mayan ball team the winner was sacrificed. The Jesus dance and hymn. The God of death
is the lord of the dance. Death defying rescues are in touch with the
eternal oneness. Two becomes one. Marriage and friendship also.
The center of the myth is you but you are not the final term.
It is a good day to die, go singing! A wheel rolling out of its own center. On
the wheel of life you are going up or down, at the top or the bottom, or you
can be at the center. A poet is one who has made a life of following and
expressing his bliss. Eternal life and joy is bliss. The waters of eternal life
are always right there where you are if you follow your bliss. Otherwise you
are dying a little bit every day. The spirit is the bouquet of the physical and
vice versa. Love bears all things.
The truest of love Is love for your enemies. Such as Tibet
for China. Compassion as well. Suffering activates the heart. Love is a sorrow
too. The pain of being truly alive. By enacting rituals you are enacting the
mythological God. God is the thought beyond thought. Eastern Gods mirror the
emotions. Love hate etc. Christianity is four contradictory texts. In the
Gospel According to Thomas Jesus says God's world is on earth and you can
become as he.
A circle is a complete totality. It encircles as well as
going around and around. Womb to tomb. Make a circle for yourself then figure
the values that encircle you. Even sand painting is an archetype common to
mankind. Motifs. God is the ultimate elementary idea or archetype of man.
Tricksters remind us not to take things so seriously and literally. They mock
humans humorously. Religion is a defense against a transcendent religious
experience. Jung. The opening of the heart is the spiritual birth. God of form
unto formless. He then speaks of peak experiences, physical and otherwise.
Epiphanies are when there is a radiance, a holy experience we don't wish to
possess or reject. When the ego diminishes the spirit expands.