Wisdom From Our Spiritual Ancestors by Matthew Fox

 Thomas Berry said “A different interpretation of the data of evolution is now available. We need merely understand that the evolutionary process is neither random nor determined, but creative. It follows a general pattern of all creativity”. 

 So, creation is not purely chance or determined but creative.

All creatures have the capacity for birth. A creature without birth would not exist. God's chief aim is giving birth. The noblest work of God is giving birth. God takes the greatest delight in giving birth. What does God do all day? God lies in a maternity bed giving birth. Meister Ekhart 7 centuries ago

 Therefore, the universe is biased towards birth

 The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and our rational mind is a faithful servant. But we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein.

He also said values don't come from the intellect, they come from intuition and deep feeling. 

 So, if we have banished intuition we have banished values!

He also said "Warn people not to make their intellect their God. The intellect knows methods but it seldom knows values. They come from feeling. It is not intellect but intuition which advances humanity. Intuition tells people their purpose in this life. 

Your vocation, your calling, comes from intuition. We have to learn to trust it. We have to learn to develop it. We have to learn to honor it. Not to put down the rational or intellect, but they dance together and have a sacred marriage (Fox)

Another word for the intuitive brain is mysticism. Our mystical brain. Our right brain.

Next, the value of wonder and awe.

When you understand all about the sun and the atmosphere and the rotation of the Earth you may still miss the radiance of the sunset and the glory of the morning sun. Alfred North Whitehead

He feels the climax of perception is the experience of the sublime, the experience of ecstasy, the experience of wonder.

 Are we going to be on the hunt, hunter gatherers for wonder and surprise and Ecstasy and breakthroughs. If we banish wonder from our psyches, our classrooms, and our churches we are in deep trouble. Fox

A good person is on the hunt. On the hunt for praise. On the hunt for goodness. And when you see it you're not in competition with it. That awareness does not turn to envy. It turns to praise. It turns to celebration. Fox

 God is super essential darkness, God is nameless nothingness. 

“The sublime is not the quantitative aspect of nature; it is something qualitative. It is the immense preciousness of being, which is not an object of analysis, but a cause of wonder. To a mind unwarped by intellectual habit, unbiased by what it already knows, to unmitigated innate surprise, there are no axioms, no dogmas, there is only wonder, the realization that the world is too incredible, too meaningful for us. The existence of the world is the most unlikely, the most unbelievable fact.

Who could believe it? Who could conceive it? We must learn to overcome sleek certainty and learn to understand that the existence of the universe is contrary to a reasonable experience.  The world is not just here, it shocks us into amazement. We must keep our own amazement, our own eagerness alive, and avoid the mind's narcissistic tendency to fall in love with its own reflection. We cannot afford to dry up. Forfeit your sense of awe and the universe becomes a marketplace.  Wonder is an act in which the mind confronts the universe”. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel 

How should one love God? Love God mindlessly so yr soul is without mind and free from all mental activities. Your soul should be bare of all mind. Should stay there without mind. But if you love God as God is, mind or person or picture, all that must be dropped. How then should you love God you love God? Love God as God is a not God, a not mind, a not person, a not image. Even more as a pure clear ONE separate from all twoness. We should sink eternally from something to nothing into this ONE. Meister Eckhart